Suncoast Gem and Mineral Society
By-Laws 2016-17


Article I:  Name

Section 1:
The name of this corporation shall be Suncoast Gem and Mineral Society, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Society.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1:
The general purpose of this Society, organized as a not-for-profit corporation, shall be to promote popular interest, education, and research in the earth sciences and lapidary arts with particular emphasis on the subjects of geology, mineralogy, paleontology, lapidary, and related subjects: to sponsor public exhibitions and shows, educational lectures programs, work studies, technical demonstrations and field trips for study and collecting, all for the benefit of members and the general public; and to cooperate with other similar organizations. This Society shall not engage in any activities which are not permitted by Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Article III: Membership
Section 1: Classes of Membership

A.      Active Membership is open to any person or family whose interests are compatible with the purpose of this Society. Each Active Member, who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, shall be entitled to one vote and the privilege of holding office. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.

1.        Individual. Any person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older.

2.        Family

a)        Husband and wife

b)       Parent(s) and children seventeen (17) years of age or younger (1.) Children shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.

B.      Junior Membership is open to any person seventeen (17) years of age or younger joining the Society as an individual. Parental permission shall be provided.

1.   Juniors shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.

C.      Life Membership: Any Active Member who has given extraordinary or unusual service to this Society shall, upon majority vote of the Board of Directors, be granted a Life Membership in this Society. No more than two (2) Life Memberships shall be granted in any one (1) calendar year. Life Members shall not be required to pay dues and are entitled to all rights and privileges of an Active Member.

D.      Honorary Membership: Any person who has made outstanding contributions in promoting popular interest in the fields of earth science or lapidary arts shall, upon majority vote of the Board of Directors, be granted an Honorary Life Membership in this Society. No more than two (2) Honorary Memberships shall be granted in any one (1) calendar year. Honorary Members shall not be required to pay dues and are not entitled to vote or hold office.

Section 2: Admission to Membership

Any person who is interested in the purposes and goals of the Society may obtain membership by completing an Application for Membership Form, volunteering to serve on at least one committee, and paying one (1) year’s dues. Upon acceptance into the Society a membership card shall be issued.

Section 3: Expulsion

The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, expel any member from the Society whose attitude, conduct, and actions are considered detrimental to the welfare of the Society.

A.  Expulsion shall be made only after the member has been given the opportunity to show cause why the expulsion is not justified, or to voluntarily withdraw.

B.    Use of the roster for purposes other than official business of the Society shall be reason for expulsion.

Section 4: Suspension

Any member whose dues are not paid by December 1 is automatically suspended and forfeits the right to vote and the privilege of holding office.

Section 5: Reinstatement

A member, suspended for non-payment of dues, may be reinstated by paying delinquent dues before the next September 1.  If delinquent dues are not paid before September 1, the former member shall apply as a new member and meet the requirements then in force.

Section 6: Members in Good Standing

Members whose annual dues are paid and who have not been suspended shall be considered "members in good standing".

Section 7: No Compensation

Any member elected or appointed to an office or committee shall not receive compensation for services rendered, but may be reimbursed for any expenses incurred as approved by the Board of  Directors.

Article IV: Dues and Fees

Section 1: Amount of Dues
The amount of all dues and fees shall be determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at a regular business session of the Society, provided that at least ten (10) days’ notice has been given through the Society bulletin or an official letter. The amount shall be specified in the Standing Rules.

Section 2: Date Payable
The annual dues shall be payable on September 1. Life and Honorary Members shall not be required to pay dues.

Section 3: Delinquent
Dues shall be considered delinquent if not received by December 1 and membership shall be suspended. If dues are not received by the next September 1, membership shall be forfeited.

Section 4: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Society shall be from July 1 through June 30.

Article V: Officers and Directors

Section 1: Elective Officers and Directors
The Officers and Directors of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and four (4) Directors.

Section 2: Elections

A.      The Officers and Directors shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting, unless there are no nominations from the floor, then a voice vote may elect. A majority vote shall elect. The Officers shall be elected to serve for one (1) year or until their successors are elected. Each year one (1) Director shall be elected to serve for three (3) years or until his successor is elected. The term of office shall begin on May 1.

B.      No officer shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office, except the Treasurer, the Corresponding Secretary, and the Recording Secretary. A three (3) year Director shall not succeed himself.

C.      No husband and wife nor two (2) members of one family shall be elected or appointed to serve on the Board of Directors at the same time.

Section 3: Nominating Committee
The Board of Directors shall appoint a three (3) member Nominating Committee prior to the December Membership Meeting. The Committee shall elect a Chairman. The Committee shall nominate one (1) candidate for each office to be filled at the Annual Meeting in April. The Nominating Committee shall report at the regular Board and Membership Meetings in February. The report shall be published in the Society’s March bulletin. Before the election at the Annual Meeting in April additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted. All nominees shall be members in good standing, qualified for the office, and willing to serve. A nominee for President shall have served at least one year on the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Duties of Officers

Section 1: Duties
All officers shall perform the duties prescribed in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised in addition to those specified in the bylaws and standing rules of the Society; shall perform such duties as may be requested by the President; and shall send copies of official correspondence to the president. With the exception of the Treasurer, they shall deliver to their successors all material pertaining to their offices by May 1. The treasurer shall deliver all material to the auditors by July 15.

A.     The President shall:

1.           preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors; appoint all committee chairs except the Nominating and Auditing Committees, subject to Board of Directors approval; serve on the Finance Committee and coordinate the development of the annual budget; be ex officio a member of all committees except the Nominating and Audit Committees; supervise and coordinate the work of the committees so that a smooth operation will result and the activities are compatible with the purpose of this Society; and appoint assistants to the Treasurer and other officers, if requested.

B.      The Vice-President shall:

1.        perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President; serve as Chairman of the Program Committee; and serve on the Finance Committee.

C.      The Recording Secretary shall:

1.   record the proceedings of the meetings of the Society and the Board of Directors. Including the Annual and Holiday Dinners if business is transacted; keep a complete set of records to include a copy of the bylaws and the standing rules of the Society, together with all amendments; Furnish committees with materials referred to them; and be custodian of all records, except those assigned to others.

D.      The Corresponding Secretary shall:

1.        conduct the general correspondence of the Society as directed by the President; send notices when required; perform the duties of the Recording Secretary in the absence or inability of the Recording Secretary; receive letters of resignation from Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairmen; serve on the Membership Committee; and keep a permanent record of memberships and maintain an up-to-date mailing list. in compliance with Florida Statutes 617.0601.

E.      The Treasurer shall:    
Be custodian of all funds of the Society; collect the annual dues; pay approved bills promptly; keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements; make a written financial report at each Board of Directors meeting; close the books at the end of the year and submit them to the Auditors; be responsible for filing all government and tax reports of the Society; serve as a member of the Finance and Scholarship Committee; and may request assistants to be appointed by the President. The assistants shall serve at the discretion of the treasurer.

Article VII: Meetings

Section 1: Regular Membership Meetings
The regular meeting of this Society shall be held monthly, except in June, July, and August, at a time and place determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Notice of meetings shall be published in the Society’s bulletin.

Section 2: Special Membership Meetings
Special meetings of this Society may be called at any time by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors. Oral notice may be given.

Section 3: Annual Meeting
The regular April meeting shall be deemed the Annual Meeting for the purpose of the election of Officers and Directors.

Section 4: Installation Dinner
A dinner meeting shall be scheduled in May each year to install new Officers and Directors and present special awards. A program in keeping with the occasion shall be planned. The time and place of the Installation Dinner shall be published in the Society’s bulletin.

Section 5: Quorum
Twenty percent (20%) of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

Article VIII: Board of Directors

Section 1: Membership
The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers and Directors.

Section 2: Duties
The Board of Directors shall:

A.      transact all business of the Society;

B.      approve all official forms;

C.      have general supervision over all committees and members;

D.      upon majority vote, by ballot, request the resignation of any member antagonistic to the welfare or the paramount interests of the Society, provided that the member has been notified and has been given a hearing in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised;

E.      fill all vacancies in office including the office of President;     

F.      be authorized to adopt the report of the Auditors; and

G.      adopt the annual budget.

Section 3: Meetings

A.     The regular Board of Directors meeting shall be held monthly, except in June, July, and August, at the time and the place designated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. An Advisory Committee, consisting of Committee Chairmen and Past Presidents, may be invited to meet with the Board of Directors.

1.    Oral notice may be given.

B.     Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors.

1.    Twenty-four (24) hour oral notice may be given.

C.     A poll of all members of the Board of Directors may be held on urgent matters in lieu of a special meeting, if validated in writing.

Section 4: Quorum
A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Article IX: Committees

Section 1: Standing Committees
There shall be the following standing committees: Activities; Annual & Holiday Dinner; Annual Show; Auditing; Building; Bulletin & Publications; Education; Equipment; Finance; Historical; Membership; Program. The Chairmen shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise specified.

Section 2: Special Committees
Special committees may be appointed by the President as deemed necessary. The President may create a By-laws Committee as necessary to address changes that may be necessary to the By-Laws. The Bylaws Committee, with a chairman appointed by the President and two (2) Directors serving as members, shall consider amendments to the Society’s bylaws, and place them in proper form to be presented to the membership for action with a copy sent to the Editor of the bulletin. One member of the committee shall be Parliamentarian at the Board of Directors and Annual meetings.

  1. The President may create a Fieldtrip Committee that shall schedule field and museum trips; coordinate Society or area rock swaps; and keep a record of locations visited and type of minerals available.

  2. The President may create a Scholarship Committee who shall submit recommendations to the Board of Directors for area recipients of a scholarship based on need, grades and a major in the earth sciences. The scholarships shall be awarded at the Annual Dinner.

Section 3: All Committees

A.  The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees except the Auditing and Nominating Committees, and shall fill vacancies occurring in committees.

B.    Committees shall notify the President of all meetings and shall send copies of official correspondence to the President.

C.    Committee Chairmen shall report to the Board of Directors as requested by the President.  Written reports of the year’s work shall be prepared in triplicate: one to the President, one to the Recording Secretary, and one to remain in the files of the committee.

D.   Committees may transact business by mail, telephone, or any other reasonable means available when necessary.

E.  Committee chairmen shall deliver to their successors within fifteen (15) days following the appointments, all materials pertaining to the work of the committee.

Section 4: Duties

A.   The Activities Committee shall plan refreshments, picnics, and other activities; organize a telephone task force; and assist the Dinner Committee as necessary.

B.    The Annual & Holiday Dinner Committee shall select a place, date, entertainment, and menu subject to approval by the President. The Committee shall coordinate food, gifts, decoration, activities and prizes and shall reserve the hall for the following year. The Committee shall collect all monies for the banquets, including dinners; keep adequate financial records for the treasurer; and send a report to the Bulletin Editor. The Secretary or President shall notify the Chairman of guests in a timely manner.

C.    The Annual Show Committee shall produce an annual Gem and Mineral Show. The Committee shall notify the new media of the activities of this Society. The Chairman and President shall select a time and place for the Show, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The Chairman shall designate the members needed to produce the Show, subject to the approval by the Board of Directors. Complete financial records shall be kept of the receipts and disbursements. These records shall be audited with the Treasurer’s Books. All Show records shall be retained by the Society. The Committee shall coordinate exhibits, judging, and shall interpret the AFMS Uniform Rules for the Annual Show; cooperate with the SFMS Uniform Rules Committee; and recommend changes in the AFMS.

D.   The Auditing Committee shall consist of two qualified members appointed by the Board of Directors, and shall audit the Treasurer’s books and annual show records at the end of the fiscal year and submit a report at the September Board of Directors meeting. The Treasurer’s books shall also be audited before a new Treasurer takes office.

E.    The Building Committee shall supervise and maintain Clubhouse buildings and grounds and issue and enforce the rules for the use of the premises, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. During an emergency the Committee shall be empowered to take whatever action is necessary to secure and safeguard the property.


F.    The Bulletin & Publication Committee. The Editor shall edit at least nine (9) copies of the Society’s Bulletin, the Rock-O-Gram, annually. The Committee shall be responsible for the printing and disbursement of any publications of the Society, as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Editor shall designate the assistants needed to publish and mail all publications, including the bulletin. The Editor shall establish deadlines; solicit monthly reports from committee chairmen; publish articles from members; and may prepare and print articles or editorials that reflect and give opinion of the Editor consistent with the spirit and purposes of the Society.

G.   The Education Committee shall encourage interest in the lapidary arts and our activities. The committee shall consult with the Program Chairman regarding educational programs for monthly membership meetings; coordinate speakers; provide instructors; and coordinate lapidary classes, educational displays and projects. The Committee shall recommend young members between the ages of twelve (12) and sixteen (16) years old to be subsidized at a school of lapidary arts, subject to the Board of Directors approval. The Board of Directors may determine if the prospective student qualifies for a subsidy by requesting attendance at the Society’s lapidary classes. The Committee shall keep an accurate inventory of all educational materials and maintain and regulate the use of the Society’s books and educational materials and submit recommendations for the purchase of new educational materials to the Board of Directors.

H.  The Equipment Committee shall keep an accurate inventory of the lapidary equipment housed in the Clubhouse; supervise and maintain the equipment; purchase new equipment as needed, and sell equipment that is no longer needed, subject to the Board of Directors’ approval. The Committee shall be empowered to enforce any regulations regarding the equipment.

I.     The Finance Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-president and Treasurer and shall prepare the annual budget to be presented to the Board of Directors for adoption at their April meeting.

J.     The Historical Committee shall maintain a continuous year by year record of this Society in the form of a scrap book containing clippings, photographs, and information relating to the activities of the Society.

K.   The Membership Committee, with the Corresponding Secretary serving as a member, shall greet visitors at all Society functions, record names of all visitors and members at meetings; deliver the lists to the President before the opening ceremonies; furnish official forms for new members; review applications; keep a file of applications; and submit a list of new members to the Editor.

L.    The Program Committee, with the Vice-president serving as chairman, shall
        consult with the Education Committee regarding educational programs for     
        meetings; and coordinate the speakers and programs for meetings.

Section 1: Emergencies
In the event of any national disaster, such as Hurricane, Flood, Fire, or an Earthquake; or in the event war or lack of transportation should cause the cancellation of a scheduled annual meeting, the Board of Directors in power at the time of the disaster may continue to conduct Society business until such time as an Annual Meeting can be held. In such an emergency the limiting provisions of these Bylaws may be waived by a majority vote of the Directors available.

Section 2: Notice of Meetings
Notice of emergency Board of Directors Meetings may be given by any means possible.

Article XI:  Parliamentary Authority

Section 1:
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of this Society.

Article XII: Amendments

Section 1:
Amendments to the Bylaws of this Society shall be submitted in writing to the Bylaws Committee for review, and then submitted to the Board of Directors. Ten (10) days’ notice, published in the Society’s bulletin or an official letter shall be required. A resolution containing the amendments shall be presented at a regular membership meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present and voting shall adopt the amendments and they shall become effective at the end of the meeting at which they are adopted, unless otherwise specified.


2016 By-Laws Committee:

Reviewed and approved by Board of Directors dated ten day notice
and proposed bylaws emailed to members
November 7, 2016.

Notice given at October 20, 2016 membership meeting.

Revised bylaws adopted by majority vote of members present at
November 17, 2016 membership meeting.